
人生的目的,是要工作或是玩樂? 有人工作,是為了要玩樂。 有人玩樂,才會認真工作。 突然有感而發,改編了莎爺爺著名舞台劇“哈姆雷特”中的一小段獨白。 (想當初,背這段背到想去找莎爺爺懇談,沒事要自殺的人還那麼多話,害我們這些學生要背那麼多的文言文)就把這些,當作是我的夢話吧。 希望莎爺爺半夜不要來找我懇談,說我亂改詞啊。

To work or to play, that is the question;

Whether ‘tis humbler in the mind to suffer

The condemnations and faults of outrageous pressure,

Or to take a vacation in a sea of pleasure,

And by embracing them?  To live; to play;

Keep going; And by playing to say we end

the low salary and the endless hours torturing

that flesh is hire to, ‘tis a torment devoutly to be achieved.

To live, to play; to play, perchance to work: ay, that’s the rub.



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